Create Distribution Groups

Create Distribution Groups 

  1. In Outlook web version click on the settings gear on the top right 

  2. Open View All Outlook Settings 

  3. Go to the General Tab 

  4. Choose Distribution Groups 

  5. The Right Section is Distribution Groups I own, click the plus sign to start creating a new one.  

  6. You will get a window that looks like the image below, in here give the Group a Display Name, Alias, and email address.


  7. By Default you are the group owner. You can choose to remove yourself as the owner and assign it to another PRL user. There is also a checkbox to add the owner of the group as a recipient of the group or turn it off if you do not want the owner to receive emails to the group. 

  8. Scroll down to start adding Members to the group. You will find a empty white box with Members above it. Click on the plus sign to start adding members.  
    - If you are adding PRL users you will find everyone under All Users 
    - If you are adding External users you will need them to be in your contacts, and can add them from the My Contacts section 

  9. Once members are added you have options on if you want anyone to be able to join or to leave. 
    - You can set it so that anyone in PRL can join, Only the owner can add members, or people can request to join but an owner needs to approve.  
    - You can also choose if you want members to be able to leave freely or not.  

  10. Once you have filled out all required fields you can save and the group will become active and ready for all PRL employees to email.  

Creation date: 8/29/2022 4:45 PM      Updated: 8/29/2022 4:45 PM
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